1. Smile! Just by smiling, you really do feel better.
2. Think Positive: Finding the positive in everything you do will truly make your life better and more successful! In addition, you will find that people will want to be around you more.
3. Drink Water: You should try to drink at least 6 cups of water each day - no, soda does not count.
4. Floss Your Teeth: Disease can begin in your gums so don’t forget to floss daily.
5. Exercise: You should do some type of exercise for 30 minutes daily; walking is always an easy one to fit in.
6. Do Not Smoke: Studies have found that smoking can negate all of your healthy habits and create disease.
7. Read your Goals: To help keep you focused, you should read your goals daily. Put them in a place where you will see them everyday like your bathroom mirror.
8. Watch the News: You should be informed about what is going on in the world.
9. Call Your Mom: Being close to your family members and friends can dramatically improve the quality of your life.
10. Laugh and laugh often!