Here is a list of common cheerleading terms.
Abdominal Muscle - The muscles in your tummy that help you lift your legs and keep your balance. |
Accuracy Drill - A sequence of motions done to music or counts. |
All Stars - A team of cheerleaders the come together to compete. |
Aerobasque - stunt |
Awesome - stunt |
Base - The first part of any stunt - the cheerleader on the bottom. |
Basket Toss - stunt |
Biceps Muscle - The muscle on the top inside of your arms - use for picking up things. |
Calf Muscle - The muscle on the lower back of your leg. |
Chair - stunt |
Chant - A chant is used to get the crowd involved in the event. It is very short and repeated several times. |
Cheer - A cheer is much longer than a chant and is done only 1 time. |
Daggers - Hand Position |
Defense - When you team does NOT have the ball. |
Diagonals - Arm Motion |
Dismount - How you get down from a stunt. |
Fight Song - A short spirit dance. |
Flag Cheerleading Team - A team of cheerleaders that cheer for Flag Football. This team usually requires no tryouts. |
Flyer - The second part of a stunt; this is the person in the air. |
Full Elevator - stunt |
Hamstring Muscle - The muscle on the back of you thigh; it is the "flexibility" muscle. |
L Sit - stunt |
L Stand - stunt |
Offense - When you team DOES have the ball. |
Pee Wee Team - A team with youth cheerleaders. |
Pop Warner Team - City Cheerleading Team |
Pryamid - A combination of Cheerleading Stunts. |
Quadriceps Muscle - The muscle of the top of your thigh; your "strength" muscle. |
Scale - stunt |
Shoulder Sit - stunt |
Shoulder Stand - stunt |
Spotter - The most important part of the stunt. The Spotter is the person that makes sure that no one falls. |
Tackle Cheerleading Team - A cheerleading team that cheers for a Tackle Football Team. |
Touchdown - When a football team scores 6 points. |
Transitions - The motions / sequences of moving between formations. |
Triceps Muscle - The muscle on the back, top of your arm; it helps you push things away. |
X Motion |