The Double Thigh Stand is one of the most important beginner stunts you should know. From this stunt, you can do a variety of variations to create numerous stunts.
- Make sure your Bases have deep lunges for the Flyer to stand on.
- Make sure the Flyer steps in the "pockets" of the Bases, not on their legs.
- The Flyer should start with her right foot first and climb using the "Step, Lock, Tighten" Method.
- Have the base hold the flyer's legs by wrapping their arms around the flyers knees.
- The back spotter should hold the flyer's waist.
- When you are learning the double thigh stand, you should add a front spotter. ( You can never have enough spotters!)
- To dismount, have the bases hold the flyer's hands and their armpit.
- The flyer lands in front of the stunt with her feet together.