If you are a flyer or would like to be one, than this section is for you. This section has a variety of tips and techniques for you to be the best Flyer you can be.
Flyer Positions: There are a variety of positions for a Flyer. Please CLICK HERE for a list of them.
- Be Confident: Confidence shows and lack of it can get you hurt.
- Smile
- Look Up at the crowd - do not look down.
- Always be "tight"
- Sell the stunt with your facial expressions and sharp motions.
- Always use proper climbing techniques (some listed below).
- PRACTICE in a mirror at home on the ground to make sure your posture is correct.
- NO LAUGHING while in your stunt.
- Use the word "DOWN" if you are falling
- NEVER try any stunt that you are not ready for. For example, if you just mastered the Double Thigh Stand, you next stunt should not be the Ground Up Full.
Flyer Climbing Techniques:
Pinch-a-Penny: This is the most important one to remember - basically stay "Tight". Pretend that you have a penny in your butt cheeks. Pinch or squeeze your cheeks together so the penny does not fall. When you do this, you will feel all of you muscles tighten up. When your body is tight, you feel much lighter for your bases. If you just stand there in your Flyer position, you will feel much heavier!
Step, Lock, Tighten: This climbing technique is used for Double Thigh Stands and the like. When you climb follow this pattern:- "Step" with your foot on to you base (usually you climbe with your right
foot first) - "Lock" means to bring your other foot up and lock both legs. This does
not mean to squat on your bases. - "Tighten" means to finish your stunt and Pinch-a-Penny.
Here is an example of Step, Lock, Tighten:
Important things for Flyers to know before attempting a Pyramid:
1. When you connect arms and/or hold a hitched foot, DO NOT use that foot or hand to keep your balance, just touch to connect.
2. If you find yourself falling, LET GO of anyone you are connected with. This way you can prevent them from falling or having them fall on top of you, which can be a disaster!
3. You are most likely more comfortable standing on your right leg as most Flyers use their right foot to fly on. However, in a pyramid you might be asked to fly on the other foot depending on what side of the pyramid you are on. So practice your skills on both legs.
What you should do if you want to be an intermediate/ advanced flyer.
Here are a few key points to becoming an advanced flyer.
1. You MUST stretch EVERYDAY. To master advanced stunts like a Scorpion, a Heal Stretch, a Bow-N-Arrow, and a Scale, you must be very flexible. So, here are some stretching tips:
*Back Stretch for a Scropian: Do a bridge/backbend and try to move your feet as close to your hands as possible. Or, lay on your stomach and push your chest up with your hands on the floor and try to touch your feet to your head (aka a bunny pose).
* Stretching for a heal stretch / bow-n-arrow: Do splits on both legs. When your split becomes easy, put one foot on a step or mat and do a split with your front leg elevated.
2. Practice standing on one foot. Use chair or a parking spot curb. Practice climbing by thinking in your head "1,2, down, up" and use the back of the chair to push off of.
3. Practice twists on a Mat. You can practice full downs and double downs on a trampoline or squash mat. Think "cradle! 1, 2," jump up and spin down.
4. Squeeze or “Pinch a Penny”. When you're in the air, ALWAYS squeeze ALL of your muscles!
5. Smile! Everyone is watching you in the air so do not forget your facials!
6. Be CONFIDENT! Know that you can do your stunt and trust your teammates.
Here are some videos for Flyers to increase their strength and to help with their stunting skills: